Thursday, December 18, 2014

Upcoming Champions [League of Legends: Arena]

With variety of fixes and visual enchantment, alpha version from my recent project - League of Legends: Arena is over, and moving on into beta state. However since the project is still a long go and I haven't fully animate some of the champions yet, I decided to made a sneak peek post on the blog which I didn't do anymore since my Fairy Tail: Battle of Magic project last time. So here is it, starting from the champions list - from the current available into some of those whose currently on my list to be included in future releases:

Currently Available: Katarina, Garen and Miss Fortune
Currently Available: Sona, Master Yi and Ezreal
Currently Available: Vladimir, Janna and Nasus
Upcoming Releases: Zyra, Nautilus and Graves
Upcoming Releases: Ashe, Leona and Ahri

Boss Mode
Boss mode will be implemented in future release as well, currently I have one between two champions on mind that has to be decided as a Boss: Hecarim, the Shadow of War or Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths.

Boss Mode illust with Nautilus as the boss


  1. umm could you please consider adding volibear as playable?

    1. Well, I'm only consider humanoid champions to be added at the moment.

  2. Well this is so amazing i've played and I think that the models are awesome,but have you ever tought about making a LoL map (Summoner's Rift)?If u could create this Arena,you can create Summoner's Rift.But ask someone else to create the spells :D...and can u replace Master Yi's Alpha Strike with an Omnislash spell? it will be more amazing ;D...

    1. I prefer to work alone due to each time I worked with people, the projects always ended up abandoned. But if there's passionate, consistence and experienced coder join in, Summoner's Rift (aka AoS version) is sure waay easier to create. :)

  3. I tried to find a map like Summoner's Rift but I only found DotA templates edited,so i looked up for a great map and if found this one pls think about it: , I know it needs a rework but the models are amazing... and it would be a great project...

    1. Lol. That map isn't a template and the maker is probably still updating it.

    2. And beside I enjoy making terrain, so template isn't needed at all. Heh

  4. He didn't say that it is a template,he said that the templates were the only maps he found,whatever, can you create a killing system or how is it called like LoL's.I mean killing spree,rampage and also double kill,triple kill,penta kill...Add a spell wich teleport you back (Recall) and maybe put a respawn time ..Please think about it...

    1. Lol you were right, I guess I misread it last night due to sleepy.

  5. Well are u going to create the Summoner's Rift or to improve the Arena?

    1. I wouldn't start another LoL title project unless I'm satisfied with the arena.

  6. wow u realy are a fuckin genius men....i hop u would create a 5v5 map like in the real league of legends....please add more items and hope u cound fix fatarina's SS to be AOE..and increase the GOLD acouired...:) i cant wait to play using naulitius... :) thankz a lot men...

    1. Hello, thank you for the compliments. :)
      Katarina SS is already dealt AoE damage and Summoner's Rift version of this is on the making.

    2. damn!...i cant wait already!...:D if you could make the summoner's rift dude, its's the most awesome breakthrough u've ever don to ur life and for gamers like! my compliments is yours and your team also...thankz a lot in advance for the summoners rift... :D :D :D

  7. when can you finish this project?

  8. please add rengar, jinx and kindred?
