Friday, November 28, 2014

League of Legends: Arena

Beside World of Warcraft total conversion projects series which I finally had the chance to achieve, since around 2 years ago I've been always planned to create a project based off from League of Legends for fun, and especially because I wanted to see a League of Legends visually converted into the game which anyone haven't done it (I meant the whole visual). Since I recently having fun creating hero arena-of sort, kind of map, I've decided to making this League of Legends project into an arena instead with League of Legends: Arena as it's name.

Perhaps an RPG version would be made in the future, as I had quite plenty of terrain concept to try on. It is the visual possibilities what wc3 can achieve which made me still enjoy making maps until today, aware of the fact that wc3 is already pretty old and it's started to pretty much dying day by day.

Miss Fortune in-game
The project terrain featuring experimental method for the tile, with higher resolution and dimension which I haven't tried with my projects before, and really had fun during the process of making it - as terraining is one of my favorite part on making a project. So if you enjoyed seen my terraining on my projects, make sure you tried this one as well!

Current Available Champions
here are currently few champions of choice that available on this current state: Garen, Master Yi, Miss Fortune, Sona and Katarina - which of course there will be more of it on future release! Champion audio voice clips also included when they cast their Q and R ability. These champions are on my mind right now to be included in next versions: Vladimir, Nasus and Jana. Beside those, there are also some pending champion list which I currently haven't animate, including: Ahri, Azir, LeonaRiven and more other. I made a sneak peek about some of them here.

As an arena type, the map featured fast paced, quick-to-learn gameplay like one of my previous project, enchanted with rich visualized, HD battlefield conversion which is my strong points as a visual person myself. Mediocre AI is included, enough to entertain on the whole game. Here's some ingame preview of the project:

Katarina preview in-game #001
Katarina preview in-game #002
Katarina preview in-game #003
Katarina preview in-game #004

Download Version 1.2
Version 1.2 has been released on February 6th, 2015. Featuring new champions: Alistar, the Minotaur and Mordekaiser, the Master of Metal joins the arena! As well as mass revison on the previous champions available, and some more new stuff. Full changelogs available in-game menu.
Version History: 0.6.a, 0.6.b, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9,

Latest Release Date: August 5th, 2015
Current Map Size: 4.3 MB